Tantowi Gilang
3 min readJun 19, 2023
Drawing by Tantowi Gilang

In today’s fast-paced digital era, social media has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives. It connects us, entertains us, and offers a platform for self-expression. Yet, behind the glossy veneer of picture-perfect posts and seemingly idyllic lives lies a darker side. Prepare to embark on a thought-provoking exploration as we delve deep into the underbelly of social media, shedding light on the seven disturbing effects it has on our mental health. Brace yourself for a journey that will challenge your perception of this seemingly benign virtual realm.

The Validation Trap

The Endless Struggle for Self-Worth Social media has inadvertently created a playground where our sense of self-worth becomes entangled in the pursuit of validation from others. Discover how this constant hunger for likes, comments, and affirmation fuels insecurity, self-doubt, and a relentless quest for external approval.

The Comparison Game

Drowning in a Sea of Inadequacy From envy-inducing travel snapshots to flawlessly sculpted physiques, social media bombards us with meticulously curated images of seemingly perfect lives. Uncover the detrimental consequences of this unrelenting comparison culture, which triggers feelings of inadequacy, fosters a sense of inferiority, and coerces us to conform to unattainable standards.

Cyberbullying Unleashed

The Dark Underbelly of Connectivity While social media connects people across the globe, it has also given rise to a distressing wave of cyberbullying. Explore the alarming escalation of online harassment, the devastating toll it takes on victims’ mental well-being, and the urgent need for robust measures to safeguard users.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

The Anxiety Epidemic The incessant stream of exciting events, lavish parties, and exotic getaways plastered across social media exacerbates the fear of missing out. Delve into the profound impact of FOMO, which fuels anxiety, depression, and an insatiable compulsion to remain perpetually plugged in, even at the expense of our own mental health.

The Filtered Reality

Peeling Back the Facade Filters, edits, and artful angles construct an artificial mirage of flawlessness within the realm of social media. Expose the ramifications of this distorted reality as users grapple with body image issues, relentless self-comparison, and the erosion of authenticity in their real-world interactions.

Addiction Unleashed

Trapped in the Infinite Scroll Social media platforms are cunningly designed to ensnare us, triggering addictive behaviors that pilfer valuable time from our lives. Examine the psychological tactics employed by tech giants, and discover practical strategies to regain control over our digital habits.

Disconnection in the Connected World

The Amplification of Loneliness Ironically, the more interconnected we become online, the more isolated we often feel in the real world. Unveil how excessive social media use breeds loneliness, exacerbates social detachment, and erodes genuine human connections.

It’s high time we acknowledged the hidden toll social media exacts on our mental well-being. Armed with a deeper understanding of these troubling realities, we can embark on a journey to reclaim our personal equilibrium and reshape our relationship with the digital realm. Join us in this transformative expedition as we unravel the social media quandary, striving for a healthier, more balanced existence.

Tantowi Gilang

Grew up drawing and designing. Now I make videos for a living and love every second of them. https://linktr.ee/tantowigilang